Lecture Slides

Here are the lecture slides. When you click on one of the links below, a set of lecture slides will appear in the browswer window. All of the site menus &c will disappear, so you may want to open in a new tab (middle click on linux, right-click ➡ context-menu on mac & windows). Navigate through the slides with the following keys:

  • n: next slide
  • p: previous slide
  • arrow keys: left, right, up, down (the slide deck is 2-dimensional)
  • escape: slide deck overview
  • f: activate fullscreen mode (escape exits)
  • s: open a separate window with speaker notes. This view shows current slide, upcoming slide, and any off-slide speaker notes

If slide content is cut off, try increasing or decreasing the default font-size with Ctrl-+ and Ctrl-- (Cmd-+ and Cmd-- on Mac). The presentation framework will adjust margins automatically ,sometimes with surprising results.

Technical note: these slides are composed as text in Org Mode, exported to reveal.js-compatible HTML by org-re-reveal, and rendered in a grid layout by a custom theme.
