Quick JS Operator review

Operator Meaning
= sets the left hand variable equal to the right hand expression
== tests whether the two sides of the the expression are equal
=== tests whether they are both the same value and the same type (generally we won’t worry about this)
!= tests whether the two sides are not equal
>,<,>=,<= exactly what you expect
+= adds the right-hand expression to the left-hand variable

Asa bonus here are a couple of string tricks:

“\n” prints a carriage return/new line
“\”” prints a quotation mark directly
“someletters”.repeat(4) This is a built-in method of every string – it allows you to repeat the string easily without some kind of for loop (sorry guys! Didn’t think of this initially!). prints “someletterssomeletterssomeletterssomeletters”
